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ACROBiosystems Group, founded in 2010 and listed in 2021, is a biotechnology company aimed at being a cornerstone of the global biopharmaceutical and health industries by providing products and business models innovation. The company spans across the globe and maintains offices, R&D centers, and production bases in over 10 different cities within the United States, Switzerland, England and Germany. ACROBiosystems Group has established numerous long-term and stable partnerships with the world’s top pharmaceutical enterprises, including Pfizer, Novartis, and Johnson & Johnson, and numerous well-known academic institutes. The company comprises of several subsidiaries such as ACROBiosystems, bioSeedin, Condense Capital, and ACRODiagnostics.

ACROBiosystems’ brands include FLAG, Star Staining, ViruStop, Aneuro, ComboX, GENPower, and many others. Its main products and services are recombinant proteins, kits, antibodies, scientific services, and other related products. ACROBiosystems employs a strict quality control system for its products that are used in biopharmaceutical research and development, production, and clinical application. This includes targeted discovery and validation, candidate drug screening/optimization, CMC development and pilot production, preclinical research, clinical trials, commercial production, and clinical application of companion diagnostics.

Through the continuous development of new technologies and products, ACROBiosystems Group creates value for the global pharmaceutical industry and actively empowers our partners. The company is dedicated to accelerating the drug development process, including targeted therapies, immunotherapeutic drugs, and its clinical applications, and contributes to global health.

Nuestros Clientes

pharma Biotech Diagnostics Vaccine CRO/CDMO Academia
> 9,000 Customers

> 70 Countries

> 100,000 Scientists

What ACROBiosystems can do for you

MProduct Design MProduct Design

Mejor diseño: Se emplean estrategias orientadas a la aplicación.

> 95% de las proteínas son producidas por HEK293 para asegurar una conformación natural;

> Tecnología AviTMTag utilizada para proteínas marcadas con biotina;

> Plataformas tecnológicasFLAGTM para proteínas transmembrana multipaso;

> Plataformas tecnológicas Star StainingTM para productos con etiquetas fluorescentes.

Mejor calidad: Se aplican estrictos sistemas de control de calidad.

> SEC-MALS validó alta pureza y estructura aglomerada correcta además de HPLC y SDS-PAGE;

> ELISA/SPR/BLI/ensayo basado en células validó alta bioactividad;

> Todos los indicadores se prueban lote por lote para asegurar una alta consistencia

> DMF está disponible para algunos productos;

> Certificación ISO9001 e ISO13485

Mejor soporte: Se ofrece soporte técnico y recursos.

> Soporte técnico las 24 horas del equipo profesional;

> Los protocolos de validación de la bioactividad se ofrecen de forma gratuita;

> Los libros electrónicos y los posters científicos se ofrecen de forma gratuita.

Mejor respuesta:Poner a los clientes primero

> La entrega al día siguiente, pero el pedido urgente el mismo día está disponible para EE. UU. y China;

> 3-5 días hábiles para entrega en todo el mundo;

> El chat en línea está a su servicio.

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Call us
Call us
North America:
+1 800-810-0816 (Toll Free)
Asia & Pacific:
+86 400-682-2521
Correo electrónico
+1 888-377-6111
Lichtstrasse 35,4056 Basel, Switzerland

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