Extractos de membrana basal de Mogengel Matrix
Estrictos ensayos de control de calidad orientados a la aplicación establecidos para cada lote producido, incluyendo tumorigénesis, angiogénesis e invasión de células tumorales.
Estrictos controles de fabricación y sistemas de gestión que incluyen pruebas de endotoxinas, virales y bacterianas para garantizar la consistencia y calidad del producto.
Capacidad de fabricación a gran escala combinada con la cadena de suministro global de ACROBiosystems para estabilizar el suministro alrededor del mundo.
Precios por volumen y descuentos en paquetes de factores de crecimiento para satisfacer sus necesidades de investigación.
Los productos de Mogengel Matrix se someten a pruebas exhaustivas para garantizar su calidad y consistencia cuando llegan a sus manos y aprovecha los almacenes de ACROBiosystems en todo el mundo para entregarlos rápidamente y sin demora.
Mogengel Matrix es una forma soluble de matriz de membrana basal que se purifica a partir de tumores Engelbreth-Holm-Swarm (EHS) cultivados en una población de ratones sin LDEV y está compuesta por laminina, colágeno IV, entactina y proteoglicano de sulfato de heparina.
Las membranas basales forman láminas continuas de una matriz extracelular especializada que son una parte esencial en la organización de los tejidos formando el andamiaje y soporte para el crecimiento celular y de las capas celulares. También afectan a diversos mecanismos celulares, como la adhesión, la migración, la proliferación y la diferenciación.
Cat. No. | Product Type | Product Description | Size |
AC-M082704 | Standard | Mogengel Matrix (Acro Certified) | 10mL/5mL |
AC-M082706 | Mogengel Matrix (Phenol Red Free) (Acro Certified) | 10mL/5mL | |
AC-M082701 | Low-factor | Mogengel Matrix (GFR) (Acro Certified) | 10mL/5mL |
AC-M082703 | Mogengel Matrix (GFR Phenol Red Free) (Acro Certified) | 10mL/5mL | |
AC-M082724 | High Concentration | Mogengel Matrix (HC) (Acro Certified) | 10mL/5mL |
AC-M082726 | Mogengel Matrix (HC Phenol Red Free) (Acro Certified) | 10mL/5mL | |
AC-M082721 | Mogengel Matrix (HC GFR) (Acro Certified) | 10mL/5mL | |
AC-M082723 | Mogengel Matrix (HC GFR Phenol Red Free) (Acro Certified) | 10mL/5mL | |
AC-M082777 | Stem Cell | Mogengel Matrix IPSC Level (Acro Certified) | 10mL/5mL |
AC-M082755 | Organoid | Mogengel Matrix Organoid Culture (Acro Certified) | 10mL/5mL |
Cultivo de iPSC
Cultivo de organoides
Invasión de células tumorales
Ensayo de tumorigénesis
Ensayo de angiogénesis
Mogengel (Cat. No. AC-M082777) 1:100 dilution coating the plates, supports stable passage of EPSCs (extended pluripotent stem cells) from P1 to P4.
Human tumor organoids (colorectal cancer organoids, gastric cancer organoids) can grow well in greater than 70% Mogengel (Cat. No. AC-M082755).
Human tumor organoids (breast cancer organoids, hepatocellular carcinoma organoids) can grow well in greater than 70% Mogengel (Cat. No. AC-M082703).
Mouse intestinal organoid, liver ductal organoid, airway organoid can also grow well in greater than 70% Mogengel (Cat. No. AC-M082703).
The invasion effect of 5×104 SGC-7901 was detected for 24 hours at different concentrations of Mogengel (Cat. No. AC-M082704) and it was clear that the number of successfully invaded cells decreased significantly as the concentration of Mogengel increased.
The invasion effect of 5×104 SGC-7901 was detected for 24 hours at different concentrations of Mogengel (Cat. No. AC-M082706) and it was clear that the number of successfully invaded cells decreased significantly as the concentration of Mogengel increased.
Mogengel (Cat. No. AC-M082724) significantly promotes the proliferation of tumor cells under the skin in nude mice.
The complete medium and HUVECs suspension (2×104 /well in 96 wells) can form the excellent tubular structure on 100% and 67% Mogengel Matrix (Cat. No. AC-M082704) at 4h, which can be quickly performed for subsequent staining and angiogenesis analysis.
The complete medium and HUVECs suspension (2×104 /well in 96 wells) can form the excellent tubular structure on 100% and 67% Mogengel Matrix (Cat. No. AC-M082706) at 4h, which can be quickly performed for subsequent staining and angiogenesis analysis.
VEGF and Heparin could promote the in vivo angiogenesis through in vivo Mogengel plug assay. (Cat. No. AC-M082723).
Mogengel (Cat. No. AC-M082777) 1:100 dilution coating the plates, supports stable passage of EPSCs (extended pluripotent stem cells) from P1 to P4.
Human tumor organoids (colorectal cancer organoids, gastric cancer organoids) can grow well in greater than 70% Mogengel (Cat. No. AC-M082755).
Human tumor organoids (breast cancer organoids, hepatocellular carcinoma organoids) can grow well in greater than 70% Mogengel (Cat. No. AC-M082703).
Mouse intestinal organoid, liver ductal organoid, airway organoid can also grow well in greater than 70% Mogengel (Cat. No. AC-M082703).
The invasion effect of 5×104 SGC-7901 was detected for 24 hours at different concentrations of Mogengel (Cat. No. AC-M082704) and it was clear that the number of successfully invaded cells decreased significantly as the concentration of Mogengel increased.
The invasion effect of 5×104 SGC-7901 was detected for 24 hours at different concentrations of Mogengel (Cat. No. AC-M082706) and it was clear that the number of successfully invaded cells decreased significantly as the concentration of Mogengel increased.
Mogengel (Cat. No. AC-M082724) significantly promotes the proliferation of tumor cells under the skin in nude mice.
The complete medium and HUVECs suspension (2×104 /well in 96 wells) can form the excellent tubular structure on 100% and 67% Mogengel Matrix (Cat. No. AC-M082704) at 4h, which can be quickly performed for subsequent staining and angiogenesis analysis.
The complete medium and HUVECs suspension (2×104 /well in 96 wells) can form the excellent tubular structure on 100% and 67% Mogengel Matrix (Cat. No. AC-M082706) at 4h, which can be quickly performed for subsequent staining and angiogenesis analysis.
VEGF and Heparin could promote the in vivo angiogenesis through in vivo Mogengel plug assay. (Cat. No. AC-M082723).
Descargo de responsabilidad de Acro Certify
Este producto es uno de los productos Acro Certify de ACROBiosystems. ACROBiosystems y nuestros socios de Acro Certify han establecido una estrecha colaboración que incluye una revisión en profundidad de la gestión de calidad y auditorías de calidad de este producto. Los productos de nuestros socios Acro Certify han sido calificados por ACROBiosystems para ser incluidos en Acro Certify. ACROBiosystems puede proporcionar información del Producto, incluyendo información técnica, especificaciones, recomendaciones, literatura y otros materiales (colectivamente, "Información del Producto") para la conveniencia del cliente. La exactitud e integridad de la información sobre los productos no está garantizada y está sujeta a cambios sin previo aviso. ACROBiosystems no se hace responsable de la propiedad intelectual ni del impacto en la propiedad intelectual de los productos vendidos bajo Acro Certify.
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