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Citoquinas para el cultivo de organoides
Libre de Origen Animal
Alta Pureza≥95%
Alta Bioactividad Verificada por Ensayo Celular
LowBaja endotoxina <0.1 EU/µg
Sin portador
Similar a Conformación natural y modificaciones
Consistencia entre lotes
Human EGF (Cat. EGF-H52H3), Noggin (Cat. NON-H5257) and R-spondin1 (Cat.RS6-H4220) could support the growth of mouse intestinal organoids.
Human FGF basic (Cat. No. BFF-H4117) stimulates proliferation of HUVEC in the range of 0-20 ng/mL. The EC50 for this effect is 0.416-0.630 ng/mL (Routinely tested).
The bio-activity of Human Activin A (Cat. No. ACA-H421b) was determined by dose-dependent inhibition of the proliferation of MPC-11 cells. The EC50 for this effect is typically ≤ 9.5 ng/mL (Routinely tested).
Human BMP-2, Tag Free(Cat. No. BM2-H4117) induces alkaline phosphatase production in ATDC5 cells. The EC50 for this effect is 1684-1736 ng/ml (Routinely tested).
The bio-activity of Human PDGF-BB Protein (Cat. No. PDB-H4112) was determined by dose-dependent stimulation of the proliferation of mouse 3T3 cells. The ED50 was 0.5-20 ng/mL (Routinely tested).
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