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Your Position: Casa > Reactivos para construir su propio inmunoensayo quimioluminiscente de partículas magnéticas (MPCLIA)

Reactivos para construir su propio inmunoensayo quimioluminiscente de partículas magnéticas (MPCLIA)

Reactivos para construir su propio inmunoensayo quimioluminiscente de partículas magnéticas (MPCLIA)

El inmunoensayo quimioluminiscente (CLIA) con partículas magnéticas (MP) es un método analítico que combina la flexibilidad de las microesferas magnéticas con la sensibilidad y especificidad del CLIA. En lugar de inmovilizar proteínas o anticuerpos dentro de la placa de pocillos, perlas magnéticas proporcionan un aumento significativo de la superficie de contacto de la muestra, la eficacia de la captura y las capacidades de automatización. Por ello, la MPCLIA se está adoptando con frecuencia en el diagnóstico de enfermedades, la monitorización de reacciones químicas y muchos otros campos de investigación.

Además del uso de perlas magnéticas como andamiaje base, la mayor desviación de MPCLIA respecto a ELISA tradicional es la detección mediante quimioluminiscencia. Utilizando una reacción química para excitar sustancias como la peroxidasa de rábano picante (HRP) y el éster de acridinio (AE), se liberan fotones que pueden medirse utilizando un lector de quimioluminiscencia especializado. En comparación, los métodos CLIA han demostrado a menudo una mayor sensibilidad, especificidad y rangos lineales que los ELISA tradicionales.

Chemiluminescence Detection Mechanism

Chemiluminescence Detection Mechanism

Colorimetric (ELISA) Detection Mechanism

Colorimetric (ELISA) Detection Mechanism
Lista de productos
To assist with the development of your own MPCLIA, ACROBiosystems offers a range of magnetic beads and acridine esters that have been validated to be MPCLIA use throughout antibody drug development. We also offer chemiluminescence substrate solutions for both direct chemiluminescence (DCL) and enzyme-catalyzed luminescence (EL) to perform MPCLIA with high sensitivity and specificity.
Tipo de productoCat. No.Descripción del productoPrepedido/pedido
Desarrollo de su método MPCLIA
MPCLIA es un método extremadamente versátil que ofrece una gran flexibilidad cuando se combina con nuestras perlas magnéticas "universales", ésteres de acridina y soluciones de sustrato. Nuestras perlas magnéticas, ésteres de acridina y soluciones de sustrato han sido validados para su uso en MPCLIA y se recomiendan encarecidamente si desea desarrollar su propio ensayo. Profundice en nuestro amplio catálogo de proteínas biotiniladas marcadas con His/Fc y sus correspondientes anticuerpos para ayudarle a crear el ensayo adecuado para usted. He aquí algunas de las estrategias de desarrollo de MPCLIA recomendadas por nuestro equipo profesional de investigación: ¡no dude en ponerse en contacto con nosotros o solicitar un protocolo si lo necesita!
Developing Your MPCLIA Method
Escenarios de aplicación
Nº de ensayoPerlas magnéticasMuestra 1Muestra 2MarcadorSolución de sustrato
1Protein A-coupled Magnetic Beads
(Cat. No. MPC-A001)
Human AntibodyBiotinylated non-Fc tag proteinStreptavidin-Acridine ester
(Cat. No. STN-NA114)
Substrate Solution(AE Marker)
(Cat. No. ABK-001)
2hFc tag protein
3Protein G-coupled Magnetic Beads
(Cat. No. MPC-A002)
Human/Mouse AntibodyBiotinylated non-Fc tag protein
4Fc tag protein
5Anti-His-coupled Magnetic Beads
(Cat. No. MPC-A005)
His tag proteinBiotinylated non-His tag protein
6Human antibodyAnti-Human IgG-Acridine ester
(Cat. No. AHG-Y69)
7hFc tag protein
8Anti-Mouse IgG-coupled Magnetic Beads
(Cat. No. MPC-A003)
Mouse antibodyBiotinylated non-mFc tag proteinStreptavidin-Acridine ester
(Cat. No. STN-NA114)
9mFc tag protein
10*Mouse antibodyhFc tag proteinAnti-Human IgG-Acridine ester
(Cat. No. AHG-Y69)
11*mFc tag proteinHuman antibody
12*hFc tag protein
13Streptavidin-Magnetic Beads (recommended for MPCLIA)
(Cat. No. MPC-A006)
Biotinylated non-hFc tag proteinHuman antibody
14hFc tag protein
15Biotinylated non-mFc tag proteinMouse antibodyAnti-Mouse IgG-Acridine ester
(Cat. No. AMG-S163)
16mFc tag protein
17Anti-Human IgG-coupled Magnetic Beads
(Cat. No. MPC-A004)
Human antibodymFc tag protein
18hFc tag protein
19*hFc tag proteinMouse antibody
20*Human antibodyBiotinylated non-hFc tag proteinStreptavidin-Acridine ester
(Cat. No. STN-NA114)
21*hFc tag protein
Notas: La muestra 1 debe tener una proteína / anticuerpo que pueda unirse a las perlas magnéticas;
                      La muestra 2 debería poder unirse al marcador correspondiente;
                      Ciertas pruebas marcadas con un * no han sido probadas por nuestro equipo.
Datos de verificación
Análisis de la unión de PD-1 con PD-L1 humano
Análisis de la unión de PD-1 con PD-L1 humano

Immobilized 0.04 μg /Test of Biotinylated Human PD-1, Avitag,His Tag (recommended for biopanning) (Cat. No. PD1-H82E4) to the Streptavidin-Acridine ester (Cat. No. STN-NA114, 0.008 μg /Test), incubated with 100 μL /Test of Human PD-L1, Fc Tag (Cat. No. PD1-H5258) at increasing concentration coupled to Protein A-coupled Magnetic Beads (recommended for MPCLIA) (Cat. No. MPC-A001) (10 μg beads/Test). Detection was performed with sensitivity of 3.125 ng/mL in Magnetic Particle Chemiluminescence immunoassay (MPCLIA) (KEYSMILE, SMART 6500S) (QC tested).

Cat. No.Product Description
PD1-H82E4Biotinylated Human PD-1 / PDCD1 Protein, Avitag™,His Tag (recommended for biopanning) (MALS verified)
STN-NA114Streptavidin Protein-Acridine ester (MALS verified)
PD1-H5258Human PD-L1 / B7-H1 Protein, Fc Tag (MALS verified)
MPC-A001Protein A-coupled Magnetic Beads (recommended for MPCLIA)

Análisis de la unión de PD-1 con PD-L1 humano

Immobilized 0.04 μg /Test of Biotinylated Human PD-1, Avitag,His Tag (recommended for biopanning) (Cat. No. PD1-H82E4) to the Streptavidin-Magnetic Beads (recommended for MPCLIA) (Cat. No. MPC-A006, 20 μg beads/Test), incubated with 100 μL /Test of Human PD-L1, Mouse IgG1 Fc Tag, low endotoxin (Cat. No. PD1-H52A3) at increasing concentration coupled to Anti-Mouse IgG-Acridine ester (Cat. No. AMG-S163, 0.04 μg /Test). Detection was performed with sensitivity of 1.5625 ng/mL in Magnetism particulate chemiluminescence immunoassay (MPCLIA) (KEYSMILE, SMART 6500S) (QC tested).

Cat. No.Product Description
PD1-H82E4Biotinylated Human PD-1 / PDCD1 Protein, Avitag™,His Tag (recommended for biopanning) (MALS verified)
MPC-A006Streptavidin-Magnetic Beads (recommended for MPCLIA)
PD1-H52A3Human PD-L1 / B7-H1 Protein, Mouse IgG1 Fc Tag, low endotoxin (MALS verified)
AMG-S163Anti-Mouse IgG-Acridine ester (MALS verified)

Análisis de la unión de PD-1 con PD-L1 humano

Immobilized 0.04 μg /Test of Biotinylated Human PD-1 Protein, Avitag,His Tag (Cat. No. PD1-H82E4) to the Streptavidin-Magnetic Beads (recommended for MPCLIA) (Cat. No. MPC-A006, 20 μg beads/Test), incubated with 100 μL /Test of Human PD-L1, Fc Tag (Cat. No. PD1-H5258) at increasing concentration coupled to Anti-Human IgG Antibody-Acridine ester (Cat. No. AHG-Y69, 0.04 μg /Test). Detection was performed with sensitivity of 0.488 ng/mL in Magnetism particulate chemiluminescence immunoassay (MPCLIA) (KEYSMILE, SMART 6500S) (QC tested).

Cat. No.Product Description
PD1-H82E4Biotinylated Human PD-1 / PDCD1 Protein, Avitag™,His Tag (recommended for biopanning) (MALS verified)
MPC-A006Streptavidin-Magnetic Beads (recommended for MPCLIA)
AHG-Y69Anti-Human IgG Antibody-Acridine ester (MALS verified)
Detección de la nucleocápside de SARA-CoV-2 mediante MPCLIA en sándwich
Detección de la nucleocápside de SARA-CoV-2 mediante MPCLIA en sándwich

When used the Chemiluminescent Substrate Solution (AE Marker) (Cat. No. ABK-001) in a sandwich MPCLIA Assay for detection of SARS-CoV-2, The Biotinylated Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Nucleocapsid Antibody, Mouse IgG1 (Cat. No. NUN-BM266) coupled Streptavidin-Magnetic Beads (recommended for MPCLIA) (Cat. No. MPC-A006) was incubated with Acridine Ester-Labeled Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Nucleocapsid Antibody, Chimeric mAb, Human IgG1 (AM224) (Cat. No. NUN-M224) and treated with SARS-CoV-2 Nucleocapsid protein, His Tag (Cat. No. NUN-C5227) at increasing concentration, detection was performed using with sensitivity of 97.7 pg/mL in Magnetism particulate chemiluminescence immunoassay (MPCLIA) (KEYSMILE, SMART 6500S) (QC tested).

Cat. No.Product Description
ABK-001Chemiluminescent Substrate Solution (AE Marker)
MPC-A006Streptavidin-Magnetic Beads (recommended for MPCLIA)
NUN-C5227SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Nucleocapsid protein, His Tag
Detección de IFN-gamma humano mediante CLEIA
Detección de IFN-gamma humano mediante CLEIA

When used the Chemiluminescent Substrate Solution (HRP Marker) (Cat. No. ABK-002) in a sandwich CLEIA Assay for detection of Human IFN-gamma, immobilized Monoclonal Anti-IFNγ antibody, Human IgG1 at 2 μg/mL, add increasing concentrations of Human IFN-gamma, premium grade (Cat. No. IFG-H4211) and then add Biotinylated Biotinylated Monoclonal Anti-IFNγ antibody, Human IgG at 0.05 μg/mL. Detection was performed using Streptavidin-HRP, Horseradish peroxidase conjugated Streptavidin (Cat. No. STN-NH913) with sensitivity of 7.8 pg/mL.

Cat. No.Product Description
ABK-002Chemiluminescent Substrate Solution (HRP Marker)
IFG-H4211Human IFN-gamma / IFNG Protein, premium grade
STN-NH913Streptavidin Protein-HRP, Horseradish peroxidase conjugated Streptavidin
MPCLIA verificó la alta estabilidad y sensibilidad de las perlas magnéticas
MPCLIA verificó la alta estabilidad y sensibilidad de las perlas magnéticas

Immobilized 0.04 μg /Test of Biotinylated Human PD-1, Avitag,His Tag (recommended for biopanning) (Cat. No. PD1-H82E4) to the Streptavidin-Acridine ester (Cat. No. STN-NA114, 0.008 μg /Test), incubated with 100 μL /Test of Human PD-L1, Fc Tag (Cat. No. PD1-H5258) at increasing concentration coupled to Protein A-coupled Magnetic Beads (recommended for MPCLIA) (Cat. No. MPC-A001) (10 μg beads/Test). Detection was performed with sensitivity of 3.125 ng/mL in Magnetism particulate chemiluminescence immunoassay (MPCLIA) (KEYSMILE, SMART 6500S) (QC tested).

MPCLIA verificó la alta estabilidad y sensibilidad de las perlas magnéticas

The MPCLIA assay shows that Protein G-coupled Magnetic Beads (recommended for MPCLIA) (Cat. No. MPC-A002) is stable at 37°C for 10 days.

MPCLIA verificó la alta estabilidad y sensibilidad de las perlas magnéticas

The MPCLIA assay shows that Anti-Human IgG-coupled Magnetic Beads (recommended for MPCLIA) (Cat. No. MPC-A004) is stable after freezing and thawing 3 times.

MPCLIA verificó la alta estabilidad y sensibilidad de las perlas magnéticas

The MPCLIA assay shows that Anti-His Tag-coupled Magnetic Beads (recommended for MPCLIA) (Cat. No. MPC-A005) is stable at 37°C for 10 days.

ACRO Quality

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