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Your Position: Casa > Exhibition > Bio Japan 2024
  1. Bio Japan 2024

    1. 2024.10.9 Wed -11 Fri.
    2. Pacifico, Yokohama, Japan
    3. ACROBiosystems
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  2. About Bio Japan

    "Asia's largest partnering event consisting of Exhibition, Seminar, and Partnering program"
    This event is consituted by three exhibitions - 1. The world's oldest biotechnology exhibition "BioJapan" (1986-),  2. "Regenerative Medicine JAPAN" (2016-), aiming to accelerate and industrialize R&D in the field of regenerative medicine including iPS cells, and 3."health TECH JAPAN"(2020-), provides fusion of digital technology and life science.
    We are focusing on providing new value by business partnering of industry, academia, and government which is not limited to Japan, but also from overseas.
    With the addition of In-Person & Digital partnering program started in 2020, global innovation through this partnering event will continue to grow.


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