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ACRO Quality

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AMH is a dimeric glycoprotein with a molar mass of 140 kDa. The molecule consists of two identical subunits linked by sulfide bridges, and characterized by the N-terminal dimer (pro-region) and C-terminal dimer. This glycoprotein, produced by the Sertoli cells of the testis, causes regression of the Muellerian duct. It is also able to inhibit the growth of tumors derived from tissues of Muellerian duct origin. The best-known and most specific effect, mediated through the AMH type II receptors, includes programmed cell death (apoptosis) of the target tissue (the fetal Müllerian ducts).  AMH binds to its Type 2 receptor AMHR2, which phosphorylizes a type I receptor under the TGF beta signaling pathwa. AMH works by interacting with specific receptors on the surfaces of the cells of target tissues (anti-Müllerian hormone receptors).

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